1. These Terms and Conditions regulate the provision of group or individual package tours, as well the provision of stand-alone services – purchasing vouchers/booking surprise tours/hotel accommodation and/or purchasing trips abroad arranged by Bronco Wild EOOD, having its registered office and business address at: 13 Lyubata Str., Sofia, company No. 206788659, holder of registration certificate No. РK-01-8270 / 30.09.2022, entitling the company to offer tourist services, duly represented by the General Manager Gabriela Terzieva, website: – any and all information regarding the company, our general terms and conditions, policies, etc. are available there.
2. Definitions of Major Terms:
a. Herein below in these Terms and Conditions BRONCO WILD shall be referred to as the "TOUR OPERATOR", whereas the users of package tour services, whether groups or individuals, shall be referred to as a/the "CUSTOMER/S".
b. The term "Excursion", as used in any travel itinerary, shall mean a package tour where the entire group of tourists or individual tourists visit various places, stay at different overnight accommodations, and follow a pre-determined itinerary aimed at exploration and coupled with the respective tourist support.
c. The term "Trip", as used in any travel itinerary, shall mean a package tour where the tourist stays, for most of the time, at a single accommodation in a single place for recreational purposes, not necessarily involving tourist guide support and allowing for additional tourist services with a view to exploring nearby places.
3. The TOUR OPERATOR shall, directly or through its agents, provide CUSTOMERS with preliminary information on the package tours and tourist services offered thereby. Such information shall be distributed via the website of the TOUR OPERATOR, through leaflets, catalogues and other information materials.
At the request of a Customer, the Tour Operator or an agent thereof shall furnish the offer in a durable medium.
4. The TOUR OPERATOR shall be bound by its offer, as referred to in the preceding Section, until the pre-set group size has been reached, or until the occurrence of such other events as the offer may stipulate. The TOUR OPERATOR may, by way of exception, alter the conditions of the offer if so necessitated by the CUSTOMERS' interests. Any such alterations shall be duly registered on the "My Website" page of the TOUR OPERATOR.
5. The TOUR OPERATOR shall provide its Customers with complete and accurate information on the tourist services offered, as included in the package tours paid thereby (not, however, disclosing the final destinations of surprise tours until the envelopes containing details on such trips are procured). The details made available to Customers in such surprise envelopes shall fully conform to the information (description of packages offered) furnished thereto by the TOUR OPERATOR.
6. The TOUR OPERATOR shall, no later than 3 days prior to departure, employ a courier service and send to the addresses provided by Customers the surprise envelopes containing details on the selected tour.
7. CUSTOMERS shall make their booking inquires in writing via email using the website booking form, over the phone or through our tour agents. Inquires must accurately inform of: the full names of travellers, the person responsible for the booking; number of adults and children (age of any children); preferred room type; arrival and departure dates, additional services required, if any, contact details and a delivery address.
8. CUSTOMERS shall be required to pay for any requested services within 3 business days so that their booking may be deemed confirmed. Payments shall be effected via bank transfers to the following bank account:
Bronco Wild EOOD
IBAN: BG24UBBS81551014281559
Reason: Surprise Tour
9. The TOUR OPERATOR may cancel a booking within two business days of having confirmed thereof, where, in the meantime, the group size limit has been reached and may not be exceeded.
10. The TOUR OPERATOR shall bear no responsibility for the accuracy of any data provided thereto by the CUSTOMER, any other booking errors that are attributable to the CUSTOMER, or any unavoidable and unpredictable events.
11. Upon completion of booking and payment, the CUSTOMER shall receive confirmation in writing.
12. The CUSTOMER shall be obliged, at the time the transaction is effected, to report in writing to the TOUR OPERATOR if the service shall be used by disabled tourists or tourists with reduced mobility. Where the CUSTOMER has any specific needs or requirements that exceed the scope of the offered package in terms of food, accommodation, means of transportation, etc., the CUSTOMER shall explicitly identify thereof when completing the travel form.
12.1. It shall be left to the TOUR OPERATOR'S discretion to decide whether it shall commit to meeting such specific needs or requirements of the CUSTOMER. Where the CUSTOMER fails to comply with Section 12, the TOUR OPERATOR shall be entitled to refuse to take into consideration any facts and circumstances not properly revealed and shall be under no obligation to comply therewith when delivering the service.
12.2 The Tour Operator reserves the right to refuse to execute or perform a package tour agreement with a Customer experiencing mobility challenges, where the trip is pre-announced as unfit for individuals with reduced mobility.
13. Additional services may be booked up to the date of the first service included in the package. The TOUR OPERATOR cannot guarantee unlimited on-site availability of any activity a Customer may find desirable. The TOUR OPERATOR cannot guarantee that the prices of services charged by its partners shall be the lowest on the market, but such services shall certainly be of adequate quality.
14. All prices shall be quoted in BGN. They shall be calculated based on a reference rate of EUR 1 = BGN 1.9558.
15. The Terms and Conditions of the Tour Operator shall also apply to any promotional campaigns or any other discounts that differ from the standard services.
16. Payments shall be made in BGN, in cash or via bank transfers to the account of the Tour Operator.
16.1 Unless otherwise specified, the Customer shall deposit the entire payable amount within 3 days of having made a booking. Failing this, the TOUR OPERATOR may cancel the booking.
17. The TOUR OPERATOR may also accept gift vouchers or discount vouchers issued thereby in lieu of payment.
18. Any additional services that the CUSTOMER may request during their stay, shall be payable on-site to the host.
19. When travelling outside Bulgaria, the CUSTOMER shall procure the requisite personal documents, the presentation of which shall comply with the laws of the country to be visited and those of the Republic of Bulgaria. Where the CUSTOMER is a foreign national, it is their responsibility to be informed of the legal and visa requirements of their country as to the countries to be visited under the tourist itinerary concerned.
20. Documents required for cross-border trips:
- A valid international passport and medical insurance to cover the period of the trip, where such insurance is considered mandatory.
- Bulgarian nationals may travel visa-free across EU countries, using only their ID cards.
- Information may be obtained from the respective consular services regarding the countries that impose visa requirements on Bulgarian nationals.
- For a child below 18 years of age to exit the country in the company of only one of their parents, the parent not travelling has to produce a notarized declaration of parental consent (authorisation).
- Other documents depending on the legal requirements of the destination country/countries.
21. Where a CUSTOMER fails to provide or provides an incorrectly completed declaration and as a result of that they are not allowed to cross the Bulgarian border, the TOUR OPERATOR shall not delay the planned itinerary for the rest of the group and shall be under no obligation to refund any amounts or payments to the CUSTOMER for their failed trip.
22. The CUSTOMER shall fully pay, within the established time frames, the price of the tourist services detailed in the offer.
23. The CUSTOMER shall abide by the laws of any visited countries and shall stay in any country on the itinerary only so long as legally permitted; otherwise the CUSTOMER shall bear the full liability for any consequences thereof, whereas the TOUR OPERATOR shall in no way be held accountable for any costs and formalities pertinent to the CUSTOMER'S return to Bulgaria.
24. A CUSTOMER intending to travel to and stay in countries that involve a higher risk of contracting infectious diseases, shall mandatorily subject to the relevant preventive procedures as required by international medical guidelines.
25. In case of organised group tours, the CUSTOMER shall arrive on time at the assembly points designated by the guide. Any and all costs incurred by the CUSTOMER as a result of their tardiness or failure to appear, causing them to miss a bus, airplane, ship, train or another means of transportation, as appropriate, shall be borne thereby, whatever may have accounted for their tardiness.
26. The TOUR OPERATOR shall provide the tourist services paid by the CUSTOMER and detailed herein above in a manner compliant with the terms and conditions hereof and the relevant contract, either on its own or by employing other tourist service providers.
26.1. The TOUR OPERATOR shall bear no liability whatsoever for any services that the CUSTOMER may purchase independently on-site and not through representatives of the TOUR OPERATOR.
26.2. The TOUR OPERATOR shall bear no liability whatsoever for any damages that the CUSTOMER may inflict on third parties during the trip.
26.3. The TOUR OPERATOR shall bear no liability whatsoever for failing to abode by the itinerary where this is caused by events not attributable thereto. This includes, inter alia, inability to visit any places on the itinerary for reasons beyond the TOUR OPERATOR'S control.
27. TOUR OPERATOR'S representatives during a trip/those in charge of tourist groups shall not be licensed tour guides for the visited countries, personal companions or individual interpreters. Instead, their duties shall be mostly organisational, such as seeing to the itinerary being properly followed by the partners, solving any issues in cooperation therewith, facilitating communication and coordination between CUSTOMERS and the representatives of any partner company.
28. The TOUR OPERATOR shall give, without undue delay, appropriate assistance to any Customer in difficulty, in particular by providing appropriate information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance.
28.1 The Tour Operator shall forthwith assist the Customer in making interurban and/or international communication and in finding alternative tourist services.
Where a Customer's difficulty has been intentionally caused thereby or is the result of their negligence, the TOUR OPERATOR may charge the traveller a reasonable fee for any assistance provided thereto.
29. There may be cases where the CUSTOMER may be required to take out Medical Costs in Case of an Illness or Accident insurance, with the TOUR OPERATOR being the one to arrange for the purchasing thereof (by including it in the package price or as an extra charge). The CUSTOMER shall be relieved of this requirement if they furnish a valid Medical Costs in Case of an Illness or Accident insurance policy with such term as to cover the term of contract relating to the trip concerned.
29.1 At the CUSTOMER'S request, and for an extra charge, the TOUR OPERATOR may insure them against further risks associated with the trip.
29.2 The TOUR OPERATOR shall bear no liability for the insurer's performance of their obligations, as the TOUR OPERATOR shall be no party to the insurance agreements at issue.
30. Where the country(ies) to be visited impose(s) visa requirements on Bulgarian nationals, the TOUR OPERATOR shall assist the CUSTOMER by providing them with the required documents (booking confirmations, vouchers, tickets, etc.). Visas are solely issued by the competent diplomatic services and the TOUR OPERATOR may not guarantee that such shall be obtained. Where a given diplomatic service refuses a visa application, any application fees already deposited shall be borne by the CUSTOMER.
31. Accommodation charge – the basic price quoted in any offer refers to accommodation of a single tourist on a regular bed in a double room (unless otherwise specified).
31.1 Single supplements, reduced rates for children and the use of an extra, third bed may only be claimed if an offer provides for and prices such accommodation arrangements.
31.2 Third beds shall not be regular beds, with most hotels generally offering sofa beds that are mostly suitable for children.
31.3 Hotels do not charge for children below 3 years of age, who may not properly avail thereof.
31.4 All photos used on the site correspond to the specific final destination. The locations have different room types, with different designs, sizes and layouts. The photo we used is of one of them.
32. Apart from the tourist packages offered by the TOUR OPERATOR, where the latter acts as an agent that facilitates the purchasing of air tickets, the entire air fare shall be due and payable within 24 hours of confirmation. In case of low-cost airlines (WizzAir, easyJet, Ryanair, etc.), fares shall be prepaid.
33. Where an air ticket has been issued and a Customer decides against travelling, there shall be no refunds regardless of the time left before the flight date.
34. Every ticket is subject to specific conditions for use and charges applicable for any changes in passenger names, dates, flights, etc.
35. Airport charges shall only be confirmed at the time an air ticket is issued, as they may increase or decrease on numerous occasions, which shall in no way be attributable to or the liability of the TOUR OPERATOR.
36. Where the CUSTOMER has made a deposit but has failed to make the other payments within the time frames stipulated in the offer, the package shall be deemed cancelled through the fault of the CUSTOMER.
37. In case of package tours, the TOUR OPERATOR reserves the right to cancel without notice the trip of any CUSTOMER whose behaviour is such that it poses danger or causes the other CUSTOMERS to experience or sustain anxiety, damages, or anger; where the CUSTOMER has a criminal record or is a serious inconvenience to any employees or partners of the TOUR OPERATOR, or otherwise behaves in a way that renders a smooth trip impossible. In those cases, the TOUR OPERATOR shall be under no obligation to account for such actions or provide any compensation to the person in default.
38. In case of organised group trips, the TOUR OPERATOR may cancel the trip where the number of participants is insufficient and below that stipulated in the contract or where cancellation is necessitated by force majeure (military activities, terrorist acts, strikes, epidemics, acts of God, etc.). Should that be the case, the TOUR OPERATOR shall be under no obligation to perform the contract and shall refund to CUSTOMERS any and all amounts paid thereby, save for such portion thereof as used to cover non-refundable costs (non-refundable deposits, insurance already paid, ticket cancellation charges, visa application fees, etc.).
39. The Tour Operator shall bear no liability for non-performance or inaccurate performance hereof and shall owe no penalty payments, where these are caused by:
39.1 the CUSTOMER, including cancellations or interruptions of their trip for their personal reasons or failure to appear at the time and place designated for departure;
39.2 unforeseeable or unavoidable actions of a third party unconnected with the provision of the contract;
39.3 any border or other services' denial of entry to the CUSTOMER due to missing documents required for the trip, a visa, or any other reason not attributable to the TOUR OPERATOR;
39.4 the fact that the CUSTOMER needs hospitalisation at a healthcare facility;
39.5 a force majeure or an event that the TOUR OPERATOR or its counterparties are unable to foresee or avoid, provided that they perform their obligation in good faith. The following shall be deemed to constitute force majeure: delays at points of entry, traffic problems, including airline or ferry strikes, etc., any kind of inspections at points of entry by control authorities taking longer than expected, provision of medical care to a tourist who is a part of a group and other exceptional circumstances. Should any such occur, the TOUR OPERATOR reserves the right to alter the itinerary and take actions in response to the situation at hand, without owing any penalty payments therefor.
40. The TOUR OPERATOR'S liability for any damages sustained by the CUSTOMER as a result of failure to perform the package tour contract shall be limited to the following:
40.1 the TOUR OPERATOR'S maximum liability for damages shall be up to 3 times the price of the package tour, as calculated on a "per tourist" basis;
40.2 Where the liability of the TOUR OPERATOR'S counterparties for damages sustained as a result of non-performance or inaccurate performance of the contract is limited subject to international agreements that have been ratified and promulgated in the State Gazette, and effectively apply to the Republic of Bulgaria, the TOUR OPERATOR'S liability shall be likewise limited in line with the provisions of such agreements;
40.3 No limitations of TOUR OPERATOR'S liability shall apply in case of injury or death, as well as where non-performance was intentional or owing to gross negligence.
41. Should the TOUR OPERATOR cancel or terminate a trip, it shall refund any amounts paid therefor.
42. The Customer may not cancel and the TOUR OPERATOR shall be under no obligation to refund amounts already paid to make a booking or purchase a voucher.
43. Changes to confirmed reservations are possible, but no later than 30 calendar days before the date of arrival of tourists for trips in Bulgaria and 90 days for trips abroad.
Any cancellation or change to a reservation must be requested in writing by the client. Exceptions are not allowed. A 100 BGN fee applies.
43.1 For changes to the departure date made 30 to 7 days before check-in, an additional fee of 100 BGN per person will apply; however, this option may not be available for all packages. For international travel, 100% of the amount will be retained.
43.2 For changes within 7 days of departure, the reservation is non-refundable and non-transferable.
43.3 Transferred deposit for Christmas and New Year offers is non-refundable, regardless of the reasons and period of cancellation.
44. A traveller's/voucher recipient's name may be changed free of charge within 24 hours prior to accommodation where the tour concerned is in Bulgaria and does not involve any air fares.
44.1 Vouchers are valid for 6 months. An expired voucher can be extended for an additional 6 months, for an additional payment of BGN 100 per person.
44.2 Vouchers issued more than 1 year ago are canceled and the amount is not refunded.
45. Where a booking is requested and confirmed but the tourists fail to appear on the agreed date and have not notified the TOUR OPERATOR in advance of a possible delay, THERE SHALL BE NO ENTITLEMENTS TO CHANGES IN SUCH BOOKING, DATE TRANSFERS OR REFUNDS.
46. Where a booking is cancelled less than 14 days prior to the arrival date, or where tourists fail to arrive on the date agreed, or leave early FOR A GOOD REASON/on account of a FORCE MAJEURE, and furnish a written document in support thereof, should be deducted up to 50% of the accommodation amount for trips in Bulgaria by the TOUR OPERATOR. For trips abroad, 100% of the amount is deducted.
47. The TOUR OPERATOR shall be liable for the provision of the tourist services included in the package tour contract, whether provided by itself or its partner tourist service providers.
48. Tourists shall file their complaints where the violation concerned has occurred, or, without undue delay, with the TOUR OPERATOR or a representative thereof. The CUSTOMER shall prepare a record detailing on their complaints and shall submit it with the TOUR OPERATOR.
49. Where the CUSTOMER is dissatisfied, the TOUR OPERATOR shall allow them to seek compensation by making an oral or written complaint within 14 days of becoming aware of the non-conformity concerned.
50. The CUSTOMER shall furnish the TOUR OPERATOR/TOUR AGENT with a written complaint substantially in the form of a pre-approved template (or an oral complaint, in which case the respective employee of the TOUR OPERATOR/TOUR AGENT shall transcribe any statement made by the CUSTOMER), accompanied by the drafted statement of findings signed by a representative of the TOUR OPERATOR, a copy of the offer, as well as any other documents in support of their complaints and amounts claimed.
51. The TOUR OPERATOR shall provide a written reply within 30 calendar days of complaint receipt.
52. Where the case refers to the TOUR OPERATOR'S liability for damages caused by the actions of some of its counterparties, the CUSTOMER shall assist the TOUR OPERATOR in making its claims to such counterparty.
53. The TOUR OPERATOR shall bear no liability for any damages sustained by the CUSTOMER as a result of the rendered service's non-conformity with the package tour contract where:
53.1 the TOUR OPERATOR has not been timely informed by the CUSTOMER;
53.2 the TOUR OPERATOR has been informed and has remedied the non-conformity before the CUSTOMER has sustained any damages on that account;
53.3 the non-conformity was impossible to remedy.
54 The Tour Operator's business is fully compliant with Directive (EU) 2015/2302, as transposed into the national laws; a hyperlink to the Bulgarian Tourism Act is available on the website of the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism.
55. Customers shall be deemed to have agreed to the use of their personal data for marketing campaigns promoting new products via email or Viber if they have explicitly ticked the relevant box in the contact form when making their booking.
56. Any matters not regulated herein or in an individual contract with a Customer shall be subject to the Bulgarian laws in force.